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OMG Stockholm

Katarinavägen 9, floor 7, Stockholm, Sweden
+46 8-522 259 00

OMG Gothenburg

Nils Ericsonsplatsen 3, 2 vån
411 03 Göteborg, Sweden


Fredrik Eriksson


Ingela Urholm

Head of OMG Gothenburg

Catarina Larsén

Chief Talent Officer

Tomas Janson


Alexandra Nyholm


Carina Svensson

MD OMD Sweden

Daniel Källberg

MD PHD Sweden

Björn Lindgren

MD Hearts and Science Sweden

Our Agencies


As a leading global media, Omnicom Media Group (OMG) differentiates itself from its competitors by strategically assisting its customers through various agencies with different focuses under one roof. The landscape comprises the global, award-winning agencies: OMD, PHD, Hearts & Science, Resolution Sweden, Annalect, Transact and Drum. With more than 21,000 employees globally, OMG has the talent, expertise and influence to deliver solid results and let the numbers speak for their clients.

OMG Sweden has offices in Stockholm and Gothenburg and currently has 250 talented specialists who support our customers’ success every day.